Urban Tree Connection is now the Neighborhood Land Power Project

Many Hands, Light Work

Many Hands, Light Work

Many Hands, Light Work is a story of our organization's transformation from Urban Tree Connection: a traditional food and land access nonprofit to Neighborhood Land Power Project: a political project that aims to develop progressive Black working-class leadership through our food sovereignty and land justice work in West Philly. This series of case studies are a testament to the fact that transformation is possible when organizations are guided by commitment to good practice that is developed over time and through a willingness to fail, learn, and fail again in the thick of ever-changing, complex conditions. As we have learned from revolutionaries and political workers across history and sectors, we hope to add to that lineage through sharing our lessons learned on the ground. While this book is not intended to be a toolkit or a how-to guide, it is an invitation for practitioners, organizers, land stewards and stakeholders to reflect on and consider how to strengthen our organizations to meet the demands of this moment in history.